
No Mass on Sunday November 12th, 2023.

On Sunday November 12th, 2023, there will not be a Priest available to come celebrate Mass at the Kavala Catholic Church. However, after November 12th the regular schedule will resume with Mass every Sunday at 10:00 am. If you have any questions about the Mass schedule for the Kavala Catholic Church or any other Church in our diocese, please visit, where you can find all relevant information regarding our Church and the Churches in the Diocese of Thessaloniki. May God bless you and keep you.

Note: If you regularly have no way of attending Mass on Sundays, there are many online Masses available to watch, which helps to keep the day holy and lift the soul to God in prayer.

Here are some links to the YouTube channels of Churches that hold live online Masses on Sundays: (Click on the blue letters)

St. Denis Catholic Cathedral in Athens (Greek/English): Live stream of Mass begins at 11:00 am. (Only Sunday)

From the Dominican Friars in Oxford England (English): Live stream of Mass begins at 11:30 am. (Sundays, and at 9:30 am on weekdays)

The Knox Shrine in Ireland (English): Live stream begins at 11:00 am. (Sundays, and weekdays same times)

*All times are in Eastern European Time Zone (EET)

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