Christmas Eve and Day Mass Schedule

On Sunday, Dec 24th, 2023, Christmas Eve, Mass will be held at 10:00 am, as well as on Christmas day (Monday, Dec 25th, 2023, Mass will be at 10:00 am. Unfortunately, however, there will be no vigil Mass on Saturday, but only the morning Mass at 10:00 am.

Let us come this Christmas to welcome our Lord who has descended upon the earth for our sake and has taken our humanity, humbling Himself so much as to come to us as a but a little child helpless in His mothers arms. Let us not forget this Child in a world that focuses so much on material things, but center all of our actions, thoughts, and words around Him and His Commandments, that when He comes, He will recognize in us His very Self and His Kingdom. Let us throw away this image of Santa Clause, who has become the greatest distraction and even the tool of the evil one to make us forget the truth and origins of Christmas. Instead of centering all of our money, energy, and time on all of the secular and commercial things that Christmas has become in the world, let us remember those who have nothing, and instead of giving many gifts to our children and those who don’t need them, let us give to those who lack even the most basic of things that we so often take for granted. If we can help those people, rather, then let us do so, and in this way, we will be welcoming the Christ child in the poor and those in need.

With all of this in mind however, let us not forget to welcome our Lord when He comes to us in the very place He comes every day in the Holy Eucharist, in Church. Please, do not avoid this, for if you do it is as good as saying to the one who gives you everything, God Himself, that you do not want to see Him on His very Birthday, but would rather ignore Him. Of course, we want to be with our families and loved ones on this Holy day, but don’t forget the very one who gave us the day, and whose day it is, as if He doesn’t exist. Let us also desire in our hearts, this Christmas, to give this beautiful little child, who comes to us as the poorest of the poor, a gift. We must ask Him what He would like, and then, for the Grace in order to carry out what He asks for, then in this way, we will truly be celebrating Christmas, not materialistically or forgetfully of God, but solemnly with gratitude, reparation, and love for the Divine Child.

Therefore, go to the manger, in which our Lord shivers from the coldness of creatures who do not give a single care for Him, and give Him a gift, that He may be warmed by the Flame of Love He wishes to produce within you, and that Flame of Love is Jesus Himself, who desires that all our hearts be set a flame with Himself and His very own Love.

God bless everyone, and we hope you all have a very merry Christmas.

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40

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